East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action

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Mobile Apps for Alzheimer’s Patients and Caregivers

Alzheimer’s and dementia make it difficult for patients to plan, organize, and communicate and it is distressing for friends and relatives to suddenly become unrecognizable. Those with Alzheimer’s can often feel isolated and alone even when they are surrounded by people who have known them for a long time. They rely on the support of apparent strangers who dedicate themselves to assisting, motivated either by love or professional purpose.

Technology is making breakthroughs in the field of care for those with Alzheimer’s disease. The cutting edge of this drive is being led by small pieces of software that run on standard consumer gadgets. Tablets and smartphones are particularly well supplied with apps that help those affected by Alzheimer’s disease; both the patient and caregiver.

Please check out the website https://dailywireless.org/mobile/alzheimers-apps/