Green Fingers in Lockdown!

One of Catherine Buchanan’s (our Community Link Worker) befriendee’s who was never interested in gardening has taken it up as a new hobby. This lady lives alone and is shielding , she has been widowed for a few years and her husband was the one with the green fingers . Mairhead decided that she would spend her time doing something positive during lockdown and she had lettuce and potato seeds delivered along with an assortment of flowers. She has enjoyed attending to the plants and she told me gets a bit annoyed when the weather doesn’t allow her to get into the garden. She is delighted with her progress so far when I asked her to send me some pictures she said that learning about her mobile phone and technology were going to be her next project. Her daughter Susan very kindly sent the pictures and her mum has agreed that they should be shown to prove that if you put your mind to it you can achieve it. Well done to Mairhead


Lunch Clubs benefit from ASDA “Goody Bags”!


A friendly face makes all the difference!