GP Practices and Primary Care Appts. Information Videos:
East Dunbartonshire Public, Service User and Carer (PSUC) representatives group have received many questions from local carers, patients and residents regarding GP practice and Primary Care appointments and are pleased to present 3 new information films, which they hope will inform and update local people. These films are a Question and Answer session between Gordon Cox (PSUC Chair) and Dr. Paul Treon (HSCP Clinical Director).
Film no 1 asks ‘Are GP’s putting up barriers and stepping back from face to face appointments’
Film no 2 asks ‘Can a Carer accompany who they Care for to an appointment”, “How will patients who need blood tests 6 months down the line be accommodated” and finally a “Cancer screening question’
Film no 3 asks about ‘The flu vaccination, its importance and the various categories and ways and means this will be administered’